LDN Love Difference News #62

New Museums: an efficient tool for social
cohesion and local development. An international seminar in Paris,
12-13 March 2007
INTA, International Urban Development Association, and the
County Council of Val-de-Marne in France have taken the initiative
for a European reflection on the role of new museums as tools for
mediation and redevelopment of the public urban space. Today, the
role of cultural facilities is central in the future development and
the attractivity of territories. Cultural infrastructures in the urban
environment have multiple impacts: generating economic flows, stimulating
creativity among the population, and shaping the built and natural
environment. Today, these cultural facilities foster the revitalisation
of neighbourhoods, contributing to new synergies and inducing positive
transformation on their territories. Through this international seminar
to take place at University Paris XII in Val-de-Marne, the International
Urban Development Association aims to specify the role of new museums
in social cohesion and local development. Participation to the Symposium
is free of charge.
Nuovi musei: uno strumento efficace
di coesione sociale e sviluppo locale. Un seminario internazionale
a Parigi, il 12 e 13 marzo>>>

Designing Politics - the Politics of Design: bando di partecipazione
al programma 2007 di IFG Ulm. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 31 marzo
Designing Politics - the Politics
of Design: call for entries at IFG Ulm 2007 programme. Deadline
for application: March 31st 2007>>> |

Giovani ricercatori del Mediterraneo: call for paper per l’incontro
di Terragona. Termine per la presentazione degli articoli: 1 marzo
Young researchers around the Mediterranean:
call for papers for Tarragona meeting. Deadline for submissions: March
1st 2007>>> |

The disappearance of public space:
al Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Belgrado fino al 14 marzo una mostra
che analizza l’incontro tra arte e media. In mostra Europoly,
di Dejan Kaludjerovic
The Disappearance of Public Space:
until 14 March 2007 an exhibition on arts and the media at Belgrade
Museum of Contemporary Art. Europoly by Dejan Kaludjerovic
on show >>> |

Absolute Beginners: a Isola Art
Center quattro artisti dell’Albania e del Kosovo. A Milano dal
15 marzo al 5 aprile>>>
Absolute Beginners: four artists
from Albania and Kosovo at Isola Art Center in Milan, from March 15
until April 5, 2007
>>> |

Cambiamenti: possibilità e sfide.
Una conferenza su musica e futuro a Barcellona, dal 19 al 21
aprile. Iscrizioni fino al 1 marzo 2007
Changes: Chances and Challenges.
A conference on Music and Future in Barcelona, 19 to 21 April 2007.
Registrations until March 1st 2007 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic