LDN Love Difference News #63   03-08-2007

New researches and new roles of contemporary art: a series of conferences in Trento
“New researches and new roles of contemporary art” is the title of a series of conferences organised by the University of Trento – Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy and the Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea of Trento; a number of events presenting many leading feagures in the world of Italian contemporary art. The cycle of conferences will give the students the opportunity to meet people playing key-roles in the world of contemporary art, and the wider public to face some aspects of production, diffusion and marketing of art. Internationally known artists, art dealers, curators, and collectors will be a mong the speakers. A round table with young artists from the Trento area will close the cycle.
The program was opened on the 7th of march and will close on the 29th of May.

Nuove ricerche e nuovi ruoli dell’arte contemporanea: un ciclo di conferenze a Trento >>>

“Reti locali e sviluppo globale”: un convegno per sviluppare idee per un distretto digitale. A Biella dal 15 al 17 marzo 2007>>>
Local networks and global development: a symposium to share ideas on digital districts. Biella, Italy, 15-17 March 2007>>>

Cultural Policy Research Award: è possibile candidarsi entro il 1 maggio 2007>>>
Cultural Policy Research Award: deadline for applications on 1st May 2007>>>

XIII Biennale dei giovani artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo ad Alessandria d’Egitto. Scadenza dei bandi nazionali: 31 marzo-30 aprile 2007 >>>
XIII Biennial of young artist from Europe and the Mediterranean to be held in Alexandria (Egypt). Deadline: 31st March/30th April 2007>>>

La condizione degli artisti in Europa: il rapporto commissionato dal Parlamento Europeo pubblicato da ERICarts >>>
The Status of Artists in Europe: a report published by ERICarts under request by the European Parliament >>>

A Genova fino all’11 marzo il Salone della Jeune Création Européenne >>>
In Genoa (Italy) until March 11th the Salon of the Jeune Création Européenne >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic