The Status of Artists in Europe: a report
published by ERICarts under request by the European Parliament “The Status of Artists in Europe” is a new study,
published November 2006, by ERICarts, Suzanne Capiau and Andreas Johannes
Wiesand. It was commissioned by the European Parliament and is available
in English and French. The report presents innovative national measures
and models aimed at improving the socio-economic status of authors
(e.g. writers or visual artists) and performing artists in Europe.
It addresses five main areas: individual working and contract relations;
professional representation; social security; taxation; and aspects
of transnational mobility. It includes proposals for future Europe-wide
La condizione degli artisti in Europa:
il rapporto commissionato dal Parlamento Europeo pubblicato da ERICarts>>>
“Reti locali e sviluppo globale”: un convegno per sviluppare
idee per un distretto digitale. A Biella dal 15 al 17 marzo 2007>>> Local networks and global development:
a symposium to share ideas on digital districts. Biella, Italy, 15-17
March 2007>>>
Cultural Policy Research Award: è possibile candidarsi entro
il 1 maggio 2007>>> Cultural Policy Research Award: deadline
for applications on 1st May 2007>>>
XIII Biennale dei giovani artisti dell’Europa
e del Mediterraneo ad Alessandria d’Egitto. Scadenza dei bandi
nazionali: 31 marzo-30 aprile 2007 >>> XIII Biennial of young artist from Europe
and the Mediterranean to be held in Alexandria (Egypt). Deadline:
31st March/30th April 2007>>>
Nuove ricerche e nuovi ruoli dell’arte
contemporanea: un ciclo di conferenze a Trento
>>> New researches and new roles of contemporary
art: a series of conferences in Trento>>>
A Genova fino all’11 marzo il Salone
della Jeune Création Européenne
>>> In Genoa (Italy) until March 11th the
Salon of the Jeune Création Européenne >>>
LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic