LDN Love Difference News #63

In Genoa (Italy) until March 11th the Salon
of the Jeune Création Européenne
As it did in 2006, Genoa (Italy) is hosting until March 11
the Salon of the Jeune Création Européenne. The travelling
exhibition has been hosted in France, Lithuania, Austria, and it will
touch after Genoa Spain and Portugal. Jeune Création Européenne
has the purpose to show the new trends in contemporary art in all
its spheres of expression (painting, sculpture, installations, work
on paper, photo and video and all others forms of new expression)
on a European scale and to provide a platform or stage, representative
and unique in both content and scope. JCE is an exhibition of discovery,
the aim of which is to make known in each of the participant’s
country, the work of a new generation of artists, whose reputation
has not yet been acquired and to enhance their contribution to contemporary
creation before a large an audience as possible.
The European character of the exhibition is, in fact, a confrontation
and a comparison, taking into account both the heritage of European
culture coming from a past rich in shared influences and the necessity
to affirm our capacity to develop these exchanges on a contemporary
scale. The project depends on the commitment shared by all the European
towns to undertake the representation of their country of origin.
The participating towns engage an artistic commissioner of national
repute to carry out a selection in his country of ten artists, each
one presenting a work. The total number of the works selected makes
the travelling exhibition, presented each year in each one of the
partner towns and in cultural centres where the works can be displayed
to advantage.
On the occasion of Genoa Salon, on Wednesday March 7th Emanuela Baldi
and Francesca Sossass of Love Difference presented the interdisciplinary
and participatory projection workshops at the conference “Workshops
for young creativity”.
A Genova fino all’11 marzo il
Salone della Jeune Création Européenne

“Reti locali e sviluppo globale”: un convegno per sviluppare
idee per un distretto digitale. A Biella dal 15 al 17 marzo 2007>>>
Local networks and global development:
a symposium to share ideas on digital districts. Biella, Italy, 15-17
March 2007>>> |

Cultural Policy Research Award: è possibile candidarsi entro
il 1 maggio 2007>>>
Cultural Policy Research Award: deadline
for applications on 1st May 2007>>> |

XIII Biennale dei giovani artisti dell’Europa
e del Mediterraneo ad Alessandria d’Egitto. Scadenza dei bandi
nazionali: 31 marzo-30 aprile 2007 >>>
XIII Biennial of young artist from Europe
and the Mediterranean to be held in Alexandria (Egypt). Deadline:
31st March/30th April 2007>>> |

Nuove ricerche e nuovi ruoli dell’arte
contemporanea: un ciclo di conferenze a Trento
New researches and new roles of contemporary
art: a series of conferences in Trento>>> |

La condizione degli artisti in Europa:
il rapporto commissionato dal Parlamento Europeo pubblicato da ERICarts
The Status of Artists in Europe: a report
published by ERICarts under request by the European Parliament
>>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic