LDN Love Difference News #64

Africart: a contemporary art exhibition
to fund humanitarian projects in Africa. Florence (Italy), Galleria
FYR, 28-29 April 2007
Love Difference met the students of Florence Academy of Fine
Arts during the meeting “Art Education, Conservation and Communication”
(March 14-16), a conference on the role of Art Academies (Fine Art
Colleges) in Italy. On that occasion, the students presented Africart,
a humanitarian artistic project.
On April 28 and 29 in Florence at Galleria FYR the student will organize
“Africart. Contemporary Art Exhibition”, with artists
from many different Countries of the world. Two special night of art,
music, drinks. Works on display will be on sale to finance three humanitarian
projects in Burkina Faso, Rwanda and Ethiopia.
Info at: nammyg@gmail.com laura.guarnieri@terrapatria.org
Africart: una mostra di arte contemporanea
per finanziare progetti umanitari in Africa. Firenze, Galleria FYR,
28-29 aprile 2007

UNIDEE in residence 2007: pubblicato il bando per l'ottava edizione
del campus della creatività. Scadenza per le domande: 16 aprile
UNIDEE in Residence - International
Program 2007: the eighth edition. Deadline for applications: 16 April
2007>>> |

Progetto Emergenze: conferenze, mostre, rassegne e progetti d’artista
sui temi dell’emergenza umanitaria e sociale. A Milano dal 29
marzo al 27 maggio>>>
Progetto Emergenze: exhibitions, conferences,
artistic projects on humanitarian and social emergencies. Milan, 29
March – 27 May 2007>>> |

A Roma un Master per formare esperti in
progettazione e gestione di distretti culturali integrati. Iscrizioni
fino al 6 aprile 2007 >>>
Master Course in Planning and Management
of Integrated Cultural Districts in Rome. Applications deadline: April
6th 2007>>> |

Programma estivo Israelo-Palestinese “Scienze
Politiche e Studi sul Medio-Oriente” al Galillee College dal
3 luglio al 14 agosto 2007
Joint Israeli – Palestinian Summer
Program: “Political Science and Middle East Studies” at
Galillee College, 03 July –14 August 2007>>> |

Europoly a Istanbul: l'installazione di
Dejan Kaludjerovic alla Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, dal 26 al
30 Marzo 2007 >>>
Europoly in Istanbul: Dejan Kaludjerovic's
installation at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University from the 26th
until the 30th of March 2007 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic