LDN Love Difference News #65

News from the future of the book: the Mediterranean
Prize for Culture awarded to Ala Al-Aswani
“Il Futuro del Libro” (the Future of the Book),
Italian blog on the world of books and creative publishing, reports
the awarding of the Mediterranean Prize for Culture to the Egyptian
writer Ala Al-Aswani, author of “The Yacoubian Building”.
The Prize has been awarded on the 16th of March by Fondazione Mediterraneo,
an international non-profit organisation which includes specialists,
scholars and politicians who have been involved in Mediterranean affairs.
Quoting the official reasons for the award, “Al-Aswani keeps
on representing in his novels the contemporary Egyptian society, with
all its social and psychological problems, in the way they come up
in the clash of persons different for age, sex, and social position”.
The book has first been published in 2002; since then, “The
Yacoubian Building” has become the best seller book in the Arabic
area (after the Koran). Il Futuro del Libro links to a complete interview
of Al-Aswani by Maura Murizzi, published on threemonkeysonline.com.
Notizie dal futuro del libro: Premio
Mediterraneo di Cultura ad Ala Al-Aswani>>>

Imprenditoria ed educazione nella vita culturale: la 15^ Conferenza
Encatc si terrà in Svezia dal 31 maggio. Iscrizioni fino al
30 aprile 2007>>>
Entrepreneurship and Education in Cultural
Life: 15th Encatc conference to be held in Sweden. Registration deadline:
30 April 2007 >>> |

Bandita la dodicesima edizione del Premio
Internazionale del Documentario e del Reportage Mediterraneo. Scadenza
per le iscrizioni: 3 giugno 2007 >>>
MCA: International Prize for Mediterranean
Documentary & Reportage. Deadline for submissions: June 3rd 2007>>> |

Iscrizioni aperte fino al 16 aprile per
UNIDEE in residence. Tra le borse di studio, 1 borsa Snait per artisti
UNIDEE in residence 2007: deadline for
applications April 16th 2007. Among the scholarship grants available,
1 Snait grant for Israeli artists >>> |

La cultura delle emergenze: riproposto
a Milano il progetto “artexvino=acqua" >>>
The culture of emergencies: “artexvino=acqua”
(art x wine = water) presented in Milan >>> |

Re-thinking Beirut: un ciclo di incontri
dedicati alla cultura libanese contemporanea, a Milanofino al 13 maggio
Re-thinking Beirut: a series of conferences
and art events in Milan, until May 13th 2007 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic