LDN Love Difference News #67

European Photo Competition for Diversity:
deadline for submissions 30 June 2007
The EU information campaign “For Diversity. Against Discrimination”
is inviting photography, art and design students from across the EU
to make a creative statement for diversity by entering its "Breaking
Stereotypes" Photo Competition. Students are asked to create
a photo or photo collage that promotes diversity and appeals to a
young audience. An international jury of photographers, young artists
and well-known experts in the fields of design and communication will
select the best photos. Contributions will be judged according to
their creativity and originality, as well as universal European appeal.
The jury will meet in August 2007 to select the overall European winner
from the 35 best photo designs. Participants need to be registered
at an academy, university or college in one of the 27 EU Member States.
Individual as well as team submissions of up to three students are
permitted. The winners will be awarded prizes worth up to € 3,000.
In addition, for their support, the overall winner’s university
or college will be awarded € 3,000 to promote creative talents
or to invest in school equipment. The 35 best photos will be featured
in an exhibition in Brussels and then travel to the capital cities
of the three place-winners. Deadline: June 30th 2007.
Concorso Fotografico Europeo per la
Diversità: scadenza per le iscrizioni il 30 giugno 2007>>>

Editing Projects: Zerynthia presenta i progetti legati all’esperienza
di Gorizia. Dal 21 al 23 Aprile all’Università Roma 3>>>
Editing Projects: Zerynthia
presents in Rome the Gorizia projects. On 21, 22 and 23 of April 2007>>> |

Immigrati nuovi cittadini: il
bando della Compagnia di San Paolo per finanziare progetti che affrontano
i temi dell’immigrazione. Scadenza: 2 maggio 2007 >>>
Immigrants, new citizens: Compagnia
di San Paolo supporting projects on immigration issues. Application
deadline: 2 May 2007 >>> |

La gioventù al margine crea il suo
mondo: la quarta edizione del Festival cinematografico internazionale
per bambini e ragazzi a Beirut, dal 16 al 21 aprile
Youth on the margin create their world:
the 4th JANA International Film Festival for Children & Youth
in Beirut, 16-21 April 2007 >>> |

Explor-Art: workshop d'esplorazione
territoriale per giovani artisti a Monza. Scadenza per le candidature:
30 aprile 2007 >>>
Explor-Art: a workshop of territorial
exploration for young artists in Monza. Deadline for applications:
30 April 2007 >>> |

Michelangelo Pistoletto presenta Love Difference
e “Letterature di Svolta” alla galleria Fabio Tiboni Arte
Contemporanea di Bologna, dal 19 aprile al 31 maggio
Michelangelo Pistoletto presents Love
Difference and “Letterature di Svolta” in Bologna, at
Gallery Fabio Tiboni Arte Contemporanea, 19 April – 31 May 2007
>>> |

The disappearance of public space
alla galleria Press to Exit di Skopje. In mostra Europoly - The
European Union Identity Trading Game, dal 23 al 28 aprile 2007
The Disappearance of Public Space
moves to Skopje, at gallery Press to Exit. Europoly - The European
Union Identity Trading Game on show, 23-28 April 2007 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic