LDN Love Difference News #69

Workshop on art practice for social transformation
directed to the young artists of the Alexandria Biennale. Deadline
for applications: 20 May 2007
Cittadellarte and Love Difference, invited by the Biennale
of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (Associacion Internationale
pour la Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l'Europe et de la
Mediterranée – BJCEM) are creating a professional course
in residence on art practice for social transformation. The course
develops in two phases, the first is that of formation and project
planning, within Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto’s structure,
where the participants will live(18-29 June 2007); the second is that
of communication and presentation, executed throughout the days of
the Alexandria Biennale (25 October to 4 November 2007). The workshop
aims to furnish the participants with the experience of working in
a group through the valorisation of individual creativity directed
towards collective planning.
The workshop, given in English, is addressed to 22 young creatives
who will participate in the Alexandria Biennale and are interested
in exploring the relationship between creativity and social responsibility.
The organisation of the workshop covers living expenses, board and
materials for the workshop for the phase spent at Cittadellarte-Fondazione
Pistoletto. Travel expenses for Alexandria, Egypt, are covered by
the BJCEM associates and partners in each country. Hospitality expenses
during the Biennale will be covered by the organisation of Alex 2007.
In order to be selected, artists should send: a current CV in the
European format, a letter of motives, and documentation of personal
work (maximum of 2 pages, 5000 characters)
before the 20th May 2007. The workshop organisers also offer 16 grants
that partially cover travel expenses to Biella (Italy); to be eligible,
the candidates who wish to request partial cover travel expenses,
must send an official letter of request together with their application
for participation in the course to workshop@lovedifference.org
Download the application
form in PDF format
of the selection
Workshop su arte e trasformazione sociale
per i giovani artisti della Biennale di Alessandria: iscrizioni fino
al 20 maggio 2007>>>

Pubblicato il primo volume della collana "Cultures and Globalizazion":
è "Conflicts and Tensions", a cura di Helmut K. Anheier
e Yudhishthir Raj Isar >>>
"Cultures and Globalization - Conflicts
and Tensions", by Helmut K. Anheier and Yudhishthir Raj Isar>>> |

Il progetto Farkadona di PPC_T con Love
Difference alla prima Biennale di Arte Contemporanea di Salonicco.
Dal 21 maggio al 30 settembre 2007 >>>
The Farkadona project by PPC_T in collaboration
with Love Difference invited at the first Biennale of Contemporary
Art in Thessaloniki. From May 21 to September 30, 2007>>> |

"Un record per Pellestrina":
presentazione finale sabato 16 giugno 2007
"A record for Pellestrina":
on Saturday 16 June final presentation on the island of Pellestrina
>>> |

Musik für Kunst: “Ogni spazio
ha la necessità di un suono”. Bologna-Parma, 18-30 Maggio
Musik für Kunst: “Every space
needs a sound”. Bologna-Parma, 18-30 May 2007 >>> |

“Under observation #3”: dal
26 maggio al 30 giugno alla Fondazione SoutHeritage il progetto di
Robert Pettena per Matera
“Under observation #3”:
the work by Robert Pettena for the city of Matera at Fondazione SoutHeritage
from 26 May to 30 June 2007 >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic