LDN Love Difference News #69   05-17-2007

“Under observation #3”: the work by Robert Pettena for the city of Matera at Fondazione SoutHeritage from 26 May to 30 June 2007
Fondazione SoutHeritage (Matera, Italy) will host from the 26th of May until the 30th of June “Under observation # 3”, the third part of the project dedicated to the funding of a Center for Contemporary Arts in Matera. This third phase of the project, curated by Angelo Bianco, presents the site-specific work by Robert Pettena. The British artists started a reflection on the role of a public space for contemporary art in Basilicata region, developing his project with the production of various materials. Questionnaires, videos, field researches, photos are all part of the artistic work, as they serve as basis for the research intended for the aesthetic project: the realization of a “nomadic installation”, an example of truck-art, conceived not as a work to be looked at, but as a kit-stand to be used. The installation, starting from September 2007, will be presented in schools, museums, public offices, to collect the citizens’ ideas to define a possible model of a contemporary art space in the city of Matera, through a democratic process of participated design.

“Under observation #3”: dal 26 maggio al 30 giugno alla Fondazione SoutHeritage il progetto di Robert Pettena per Matera >>>

Workshop su arte e trasformazione sociale per i giovani artisti della Biennale di Alessandria: iscrizioni fino al 20 maggio 2007>>>
Workshop on art practice for social transformation directed to the young artists of the Alexandria Biennale. Deadline for applications: 20 May 2007>>>

Pubblicato il primo volume della collana "Cultures and Globalizazion": è "Conflicts and Tensions", a cura di Helmut K. Anheier e Yudhishthir Raj Isar >>>
"Cultures and Globalization - Conflicts and Tensions", by Helmut K. Anheier and Yudhishthir Raj Isar>>>

Il progetto Farkadona di PPC_T con Love Difference alla prima Biennale di Arte Contemporanea di Salonicco. Dal 21 maggio al 30 settembre 2007 >>>
The Farkadona project by PPC_T in collaboration with Love Difference invited at the first Biennale of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki. From May 21 to September 30, 2007>>>

"Un record per Pellestrina": presentazione finale sabato 16 giugno 2007 >>>
"A record for Pellestrina": on Saturday 16 June final presentation on the island of Pellestrina >>>

Musik für Kunst: “Ogni spazio ha la necessità di un suono”. Bologna-Parma, 18-30 Maggio 2007>>>
Musik für Kunst: “Every space needs a sound”. Bologna-Parma, 18-30 May 2007 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic