"Art at the Centre of a Responsible
Transformation of Society, 10th edition: Turning Point Products".
Cittadellarte, Biella, from 22 June to 31 December 2007
The opening of the Tenth Edition of Art at the Centre (of a
Responsible Transformation of Society) will be held in Cittadellarte
(Biella, Italy), on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 of June. Art at the
Centre is the yearly series of exhibition, conferences, events and
debates held in Cittadellarte. The theme for 2007 is environmental
sustainability. Cittadellarte has for a long time been active in environmental
preservation, starting and promoting artistic projects – such
as ReMida Creative Recycling Centre –, working with institutions
committed in environmental preservation, realizing events to promote
social responsibility. 2007 Art at the Centre stands upon such experiences,
knowledges and purposes. It starts from creativity to make a reflection
and a research on materials and sustainable objects – the Turning
Point Products – and on those elements coming from positive
synergies between new technologies and environmental responsibility.
Next to the themes of sustainability and production, the fundamental
aspect of recycling: inside the exhibition spaces special interactive
tables will be placed for the use of the public.
The two-days opening will start on Friday 22 of June with the conference
“Opening to knowledge, generating development”, the conclusive
event of “O2K – Open to Knowledge”, and with the
opening of the new exhibitions at Cittadellarte, among which that
of works by Michelangelo Pistoletto, recently renewed. On the same
day, “Art for Social Transformation” will also be presented
to the public: it is a multi-disciplinary workshop directed to the
young artists of the Alexandria Biennale (Biennale of Young Artists
from Europe and the Mediterranean). On Saturday 23 of June, then presentation
of C.Ambie.R.E.Sti, a project fro sustainability by the Province of
“Arte al Centro di una Trasformazione
Sociale Responsabile, X edizione: Prodotti di Svolta”. Cittadellarte,
22 giugno - 31 dicembre 2007>>>