LDN Love Difference News #70

The Convention on the Diversity of Cultural
Expressions has come into effect
UNESCO’s Convention on the Protection and Promotion of
the Diversity of Cultural Expressions came into effect on Sunday,
March 18, 2007. The Convention adopted by Unesco on 20 October 2005.
The Convention establishes internationally the recognition of the
sovereign right for States and Governments to draw up and implement
cultural policies allowing the development of strong cultural sectors
which may contribute to a genuine cultural diversity nationally and
internationally. It further emphasizes the importance of overture
to other world cultures, in the same manner as it reaffirms the links
binding culture, development and dialogue, and creates an innovative
platform for international cooperation.
At press time, 59 states had ratified the treaty. More than ever,
the mobilization campaign to encourage Member States who haven’t
already done so to ratify the treaty must continue with commitment
and conviction. The Convention’s legitimacy will be directly
proportional to the number of countries from all parts of the world
that ratify, accept, approve, or join the treaty.
La Convenzione per la Diversità
delle Espressioni Culturali è entrata in vigore

"Un record per Pellestrina": presentazione finale sabato
16 giugno 2007>>>
"Un record per Pellestrina":
on Saturday 16 June final presentation on the island of Pellestrina>>> |

“Arte al Centro di una Trasformazione Sociale Responsabile,
X edizione: Prodotti di Svolta”. Cittadellarte, 22 giugno -
31 dicembre 2007 >>>
"Art at the Centre of a Responsible
Transformation of Society, 10th edition: Turning Point Products".
Cittadellarte, Biella, from 22 June to 31 December 2007 >>> |

Salvare Doel: il 20 e 29 giugno i primi
eventi d’arte per salvare il villaggio fiammingo di Doel >>>
Saving Doel: on 20 and 29 June the first
artistic events to save the Flemish village of Doel>>> |

Fronte[i]ras 07, Meeting Internazionale
di Arti Transdisciplinari: bando per la presentazione di progetti
artistici. Scadenza: 22 giugno 2007
Fronte[i]ras 07 - International Meeting
of Transdisciplinary Arts: Open call for artistic projects. Deadline:
22 June 2007 >>> |

Sign & design: selezione per la Biennale
d’Arte degli Studenti Europei. Scadenza per l’iscrizione:
15 giugno 2007>>>
Sign & design: open call for the
European Students’ Art Biennial. Deadline for submissions: 15
June 2007>>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic