LDN Love Difference News #73

Call for training: Independent Creative
Art Spaces Leadership. Application deadline: 1 September 2007
ASEF (Asia and Europe Foundation) and Artists’ Networks
and Autonomous Cultural Centers launched a call to participate to
the “Independent Creative Art Spaces Leadership Training”
to be held in Paris, 9-15 December 2007.
Independent Creative Art Spaces Leadership Training is part of the
Artists’ Networks and Autonomous Cultural Centers, an initiative
set up by ASEF in 2003 aiming to contribute to the promotion of artists’
mobility, exchange of cultural professionals and exposure for cultural
practitioners. Implemented in partnership with artist-run-spaces,
autonomous cultural centers and/or artists’ networks, the projects
aim at encouraging discussions on issues such as cultural management
strategies, contemporary artistic practices and to be a launch pad
for eventual future collaborations between Asia and Europe.
This five-day intensive workshop shall concentrate on the role and
importance of the artist/manager in multi-disciplinary Independent
Creative Art Spaces. Various interactive sessions shall examine different
aspects of managing an art space in relation to real life case studies
presented by the participants. Challenges in planning, human resources,
budgeting, fundraising, communication as well as issues around community
involvement and audience development will be discussed and presented.
20 People - 10 from Europe and 10 from Asia - will be selected to
attend this training. Candidates should fit the criteria mentioned
in the public call, fill out the application form and send the required
information before the 1st of September. The results of the selection
will be announced mid September..
Bando di partecipazione al Corso di
Gestione di Spazi Artistici Indipendenti. Scadenza per le domande
di iscrizione: 1 settembre 2007>>>

Una cartolina per Love Difference>>>
Your postcard to Love Difference >>> |

Il tavolo Love Difference di Michelangelo Pistoletto al Museo d'Arte
di Tel Aviv, dal 19 luglio al 6 ottobre 2007 >>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto's Love Difference
Table at Tel Aviv Museum of Art. From 19 July until 6 October, 2007>>> |

Un contributo di idee alla “Carta
Arcobaleno del Dialogo Interculturale”. Scadenza per presentare
le proposte: 22 agosto 2007 >>>
Call for contributions to feed into
the "Rainbow Paper on Intercultural Dialogue": deadline
22 August 2007>>> |

Lettura per l'estate: “Non è
cosa”, di Franco La Cecla, Luca Vitone
Summer reading: “Non è
cosa” by Franco La Cecla and Luca Vitone >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic