LDN Love Difference News #73   07-19-2007

Call for contributions to feed into the "Rainbow Paper on Intercultural Dialogue": deadline 22 August 2007
The Civil Society Platform is inviting responses to eight questions on how to stimulate intercultural dialogue. Contributions will assist in the drafting of a civil society “Rainbow Paper” that will be used as a campaigning tool during the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.
The European Cultural Foundation, in partnership with the European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (EFAH), are building a strong civil society voice which will actively feed into the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008. So far, over 80 organisations across various sectors joined the Civil Society Platform initiative. Activities will focus on increasing the appreciation of diversity among EU citizens, and on enabling them to cope with and benefit from this diversity. The platform will approach the topic of diversity on two fronts. It will explore Europe's diversity as it has been fashioned by history and demography as well as the ‘new diversity' resulting from recent migration. Special attention will be given to urban contexts where diversity is most directly experienced.
The ‘Rainbow Paper', containing concrete examples of intercultural practices, will form the basis of the Platform's 2008 political campaign. The Platform has been invited by the European Commission to join an informal Contact Group for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008. The “Rainbow Paper” will first be presented and discussed at the Lisbon meeting of the Cultural Forum for Europe (26-27 September 2007). Deadline for contributions: 22 August 2007.

Un contributo di idee alla “Carta Arcobaleno del Dialogo Interculturale”. Scadenza per presentare le proposte: 22 agosto 2007>>>

Una cartolina per Love Difference>>>
Your postcard to Love Difference >>>

Il tavolo Love Difference di Michelangelo Pistoletto al Museo d'Arte di Tel Aviv, dal 19 luglio al 6 ottobre 2007 >>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto's Love Difference Table at Tel Aviv Museum of Art. From 19 July until 6 October, 2007>>>

Bando di partecipazione al Corso di Gestione di Spazi Artistici Indipendenti. Scadenza per le domande di iscrizione: 1 settembre 2007 >>>
Call for training: Independent Creative Art Spaces Leadership. Application deadline: 1 September 2007>>>

Lettura per l'estate: “Non è cosa”, di Franco La Cecla, Luca Vitone >>>
Summer reading: “Non è cosa” by Franco La Cecla and Luca Vitone >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic