LDN Love Difference News #73   07-19-2007

Summer reading: “Non è cosa” by Franco La Cecla and Luca Vitone
Eleuthera, Italian publisher, has just published the third edition of an essay by architect and anthropologist Franco La Cecla, titled Non è cosa. The present edition adds the “artistic path” by Luca Vitone.
The book focuses on how the world talks to us, through presents, alms, legacies, pledges, or even common objects. Our spiritual poverty is due to the oblivion of objects and of their influence over us. An anthropology of the present should start from these daily discoveries. Images by artist Luca Vitone represent a cpunterpoint to La Cecla's text.
Franco La Cecla, urbanist and anthropologist taught at Berkeley, Paris, Palermo and Bologna and is now Professor at Venice University.
Luca Vitone's works have been displayed since 1987 in many public and private institutions.

Lettura per l'estate: “Non è cosa”, di Franco La Cecla, Luca Vitone >>>

Una cartolina per Love Difference>>>
Your postcard to Love Difference >>>

Il tavolo Love Difference di Michelangelo Pistoletto al Museo d'Arte di Tel Aviv, dal 19 luglio al 6 ottobre 2007 >>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto's Love Difference Table at Tel Aviv Museum of Art. From 19 July until 6 October, 2007>>>

Bando di partecipazione al Corso di Gestione di Spazi Artistici Indipendenti. Scadenza per le domande di iscrizione: 1 settembre 2007 >>>
Call for training: Independent Creative Art Spaces Leadership. Application deadline: 1 September 2007>>>

Un contributo di idee alla “Carta Arcobaleno del Dialogo Interculturale”. Scadenza per presentare le proposte: 22 agosto 2007 >>>
Call for contributions to feed into the "Rainbow Paper on Intercultural Dialogue": deadline 22 August 2007>>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic