Call for participation at the 5th Alternative
Stage Festival in Athens, Greece. Deadline: 15 September 2007
Theatre Entropia launched the last
call for the Platform @workNetwork that will take place 1 –
4 October 2007 in Athens, within the framework of the 5th Alternative
Stage Festival. An international meeting of various performing arts
groups, artists, social bodies and institutions, festivals and networks,
in an attempt to discuss possible interactions and form collaborative
projects on a European scale. 4 days of presentations, lectures, debates,
exchanges of ideas, practices & experiences, workshops & laboratories,
aiming at the creation of a permanent Network of Performing Artists
with an interest in research-based, contemporary orientated Theatre,
concerned and informed by political and social issues, that will also
function as an open “pool” for future co-operations. Main
representatives of this initiative: TeaterKUNST – Denmark, TEATERMASKINEN
- Sweden, REALITY RESEARCH CENTER - Finland, Berlin n@work - Germany,
Deadline for applications: 15 September 2007.
Bando di partecipazione alla quinta
edizione di Alternative Stage Festival ad Atene. Scadenza per le iscrizioni:
15 settembre 2007>>>