LDN Love Difference News #78

Love Difference and the Mediterranean Table
at Palermo Design Week. Palermo, 16-21 October 2007
The Mediterranean Table – Love Difference,
a work by Michelangelo Pistoletto, will be on display at the second
edition of Palermo Design Week. Palermo Design Week is an international
event, started in 2006 by the architect Giuseppe Finocchio, to promote
and support the culture of design in Sicily, by confronting the various
international design scenarios.
On Thursday 18 October a round table will be held around Michelangelo
Pistoletto's “Mediterranean Table – Love Difference”:
the meeting, conducted by Maurizio Carta, will host Emanuela Baldi,
projects coordinator of Love Difference, Maria Luisa Conti, Viviana
Trapani, and some designers from various Mediterranean Countries.
Love Difference e il Tavolo Mediterraneo
alla Palermo Design Week. Palermo, 16-21 ottobre 2007>>>

MADAD: Movimento Artistico per la Pace Sociale. Un bando di partecipazione
MADAD: Artists Movement for Social Peace.
A call for participation >>> |

In Puglia dal 22 al 31 maggio 2008 la Biennale dei Giovani Artisti
d'Europa e del Mediterraneo. Confermato il workshop con Love Difference
In Puglia from 22nd to 31st May 2008
the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean. Love
Difference workshop confirmed >>> |

Bando di partecipazione alla Conferenza
generale EADI. Scadenza per la consegna degli articoli: 28 novembre
Call for papers for the EADI General
Conference. Deadline for submissions: 28 November 2007 >>> |

Un nuovo spazio a Parigi per Galleria Continua,
dal 21 ottobre 2007
A new space in Paris for Galleria Continua,
from 21 October 2007 >>> |

Questa settimana: i giorni del contemporaneo
sono anche giorni studio e di lotta
This week: Days of Contemporary Art
are days for study and fight >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement
for an InterMediterranean Politic