Meeting between Writers and Intellectuals.
Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue

Barcelona (Spain), 22nd-23rd May 2008

On the 22nd / 23rd of May 2008 the "Trobada d’Escriptors i intel-lectuals. Diàleg intercultural Europa-Mediterrània" ("Meeting between Writers and Intellectuals. Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue") takes place in Barcelona at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), supported by the European Commission.

Emanuela Baldi (project coordinator for Love Difference) has participated in this meeting where writers and intellectuals from the European Union and southern countries of the Mediterranean met to reflect together about three central pillars: plural memories and cultural cross-breeding, borders and cosmopolitanism, representations: art and spirituality.

The Lebanese poet Adonis and the European commissioner for Foreign Relations Benita Ferrero – Waldner, has participated in the opening which has brought together around 60 people among writers, philosophers, semiologist, sociologists and other experts.
:: participants (PDF)

The discussion has focused on the conditions for establishing a dialogue, its geographic location, the actors and the freedom to act and the specific areas to interact such as education, communication and audio-visual media and literary and artistic creativity.
Emanuela Baldi for Love Difference and Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto has announced the launch of the Mediterranean Cultural Parliament (go to the project), to be presented in Strasbourg on the 25th and 26th of June 2008. The communication instrument for this matter would be the Love Difference Pastries project (go to the project).

:: download the outcomes of the meeting (PDF)

Mediterranean Cultural Parliament
Rome, 2011
Art and football
for Love Difference

Venice / Rome, 2011
Mediterranean Cultural Parliament
Marseille, 2011
Love Difference assembly
Lecco, 2010
Don't Border Me
Arles, 2009
Mediterranean Cultural Parliament
Strasbourg, 2008
I paesi del Mediterraneo
Amare le differenze

Naples, 2007-2008
Voljeti Razlike
Zagreb, 2007
Luci d'artista
Turin, from 2005
50th Biennale di Venezia
Meetings around the Table
Events Archive