LDN Love Difference News #13

People from Biella. Nine
stories. Found and reported by Julia Trolp. Book presentation on Friday,
the 15th of April at La Civetta Bookshop
On the first page of Gente di Biella
/ People from Biella, you can read “there are 46.350 people
living in Biella. Everyone has his history. Nine of those are in these
Julia Trolp lived in Biella for almost one year – from Novembre
2003 to December 2004. during her stay, the artist met different people
and shared a moment of their life, chatting and telling stories. Julia
Trolp wanted to save the stories, and decided to dedicate a book to
those pieces of biographies. Nine persons are portrayed in the book,
everyone with a short story and a photographic portray by the artist.
A cheese-seller, a factory worker, a photographer, a street cleaner:
the reader meets these very “normal” persons, by going
through the book. The artist wants to stress the value of this “normality”,
showing the peculiarity of every single person.
As a city is made of the sum of its citizens, Gente di Biella
/ People from Biella is also the portray of the city itself.
Part of the text has been translated in English.
The presentation of the book will take place in Biella, at the bookshop
La Civetta, on Friday, the 15th of April.
Gente di Biella. Nove storie.
Trovate e raccontate da Julia Trolp. Presentazione del libro venerdì
15 aprile, alla Libreria la Civetta >>>

“Flight 405”: identità
mediterranee alla Galleria Sfeir-Semler, ad Amburgo e Beirut >>>
405”: Mediterranean identities at the Gallery Sfeir-Semler, in
Hamburg and in Bayrut >>> |

Love Difference-Milano:
un incontro per fondare il Centro Love Difference di Milano. Il 14 aprile
alla Stecca degli Artigiani
Love Difference-Milan: a meeting
to start the Love Difference office in Milan. On the 14th of April at
Stecca degli Artigiani
>>> |

Coabitazioni coatte: al Centro
d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino di Bellinzona sei artisti sui cambiamenti
del mondo contemporaneo, fino al 30 aprile
Compulsory cohabitations: at
Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino in Bellinzona six artists on
contemporary world’s changes. Until the 30th of April >>> |

Alfredo Jaar Visiting Professor
al Corso Superiore di Arti Visive della Fondazione Ratti di Como. Iscrizioni
fino al 15 aprile >>>
Alfredo Jaar Visiting Professor
at the Advanced Course in Visual Arts of the Antonio Ratti Foundation.
Dead-line for applications: April 15th 2005>>> |

Terra futura: a Firenze, dall’8 al
10 Aprile un convegno internazionale sulle pratiche sostenibili e la
riscoperta dei beni comuni >>>
Terra Futura: April 8-10 in Florence,
an international meeting on sustainable practices and “common
goods”>>> |

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte,
by Francesco >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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