LDN Love Difference News #15

Love Difference and Walid Maw’ed
at Sud Est Incontri Mediterranei
On the 14th of May the exhibition Sud
Est – Incontri Mediterranei (South East – Mediterranean
Encounters) will open at Horcynus Orca Natural Park (Castello di Scilla
in Reggio Calabria and Torre Faro in Messina, Italy). Being first
step of a three-years program, the exhibition – until the 15th
of November – offers an overview of contemporary arts in the
area between Lebanon and the Maghreb, including acknowledged artists
from the Arabic area of the Mediterranean, and some Italian artists.
Works are displayed in Torre del Faro (Messina, Sicily) and in the
astonishing Castello di Scilla in Reggio Calabria (Calabria). The
project come from the remark on the socio-cultural complexity of the
Mediterranean basin, and stands as an investigation of the different
forms of geographical belonging and its interaction with the current
globalisation process.
Love Difference take part in Sud Est – Incontri Mediterranei
introducing the Mediterranean Cultural Network; in the catalogue,
among others, texts by Michelangelo Pistoletto, Chiara bertola, curator
at Fondazione Querini Stampalia (Venice) and Franco Farinelli, Professor
of Human Geography at University of Bologna.
Among the artists, Walid Maw’ed, resident artist at Cittadellarte
Unidee in 2004, who will display a new step of Waiting for Water,
project dedicated to the water issue already presented in Biella and
Ivrea during the last winter.
Love Difference e Walid Maw’ed a Sud
Est Incontri Mediterranei >>>

Going Public sbarca in Grecia: Love Difference a Larissa per Communities
and territories >>>
Going Public in Greece: Love Difference
in Larissa for Communities and Territories >>> |

Madrid Abierto 2006:
scade il 31 maggio il termine per presentare progetti di arte pubblica
a Madrid >>>
Call for proposals: Madrid Abierto
2006. Deadline on the 31st of May to submit artistic projects
>>> |

Lingua Madre: alla
Fiera del Libro di Torino reading e musica per la salvaguardia delle
tradizioni culturali >>>
Lingua Madre: at Turin
International Book Fair readings and music for the traditional languages
and cultures >>> |

Cittadellarte – Fondazione
Pistoletto alla Fiera Internazionale del Libro con le presentazioni
di “Sul Simbolo” e “LetteraturediSvolta” e con
Love Difference al Padiglione 5 >>>
Cittadellarte – Fondazione
Pistoletto at the International Book Fair in Turin: “Sul Simbolo”,
“Turning point Literatures”, and Love Difference at pavilion
5>>> |

Audience Europe Network: corsi AEN sull’incremento
dell’audience >>>
Audiences Europe Network – AEN
Masterclasses in audience development >>> |

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria
in Cittadellarte, by Francesco >>> |
LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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