LDN Love Difference News #15

Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria
in Cittadellarte, by Francesco
Cooking is a matter of mixtures, emigrations
and immigrations: Argentine cooking, for instance, was born in the
urgency of the Italian immigration, so that it became a mixture of
the Italian and local cooking (whatever it was), but also an interpretation
(in the North it has a nuance, i.e. a different ingredient or baking
time). It is well known, moreover, that in Argentina they eat a lot
of meat, and that meat cuts are different from Italy.
So that they have Milanesas a la napolitana (!) and Empanadas,
that is mince in a flour dough: in Cordoba County they come coloured
with beaten eggs and closed in a different way from that of Salta
or Tucuman Counties.
We will see the recipe next time. As you see, the words “diversity”
and “differences” often occur, complicating the history
of a dish.
Info: cafeteria@cittadellarte.it
Difference ai fornelli: identità culturali a confronto (in
cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria di Cittadellarte - a cura
di Francesco >>>

Love Difference e Walid Maw’ed a Sud
Est Incontri Mediterranei >>>
Difference and Walid Maw’ed at Sud Est Incontri Mediterranei
>>> |

Going Public sbarca in Grecia: Love Difference a Larissa per Communities
and territories >>>
Going Public in Greece: Love Difference
in Larissa for Communities and Territories >>> |

Madrid Abierto 2006:
scade il 31 maggio il termine per presentare progetti di arte pubblica
a Madrid >>>
Call for proposals: Madrid Abierto
2006. Deadline on the 31st of May to submit artistic projects
>>> |

Lingua Madre: alla
Fiera del Libro di Torino reading e musica per la salvaguardia delle
tradizioni culturali >>>
Lingua Madre: at Turin
International Book Fair readings and music for the traditional languages
and cultures >>> |

Cittadellarte – Fondazione
Pistoletto alla Fiera Internazionale del Libro con le presentazioni
di “Sul Simbolo” e “LetteraturediSvolta” e con
Love Difference al Padiglione 5 >>>
Cittadellarte – Fondazione
Pistoletto at the International Book Fair in Turin: “Sul Simbolo”,
“Turning point Literatures”, and Love Difference at pavilion
5>>> |

Audience Europe Network: corsi AEN sull’incremento
dell’audience >>>
Audiences Europe Network – AEN
Masterclasses in audience development >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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