LDN Love Difference News #16

The World Food Programme launches
Food Force: learning solidarity with a game
A plane transporting food aid flying over
a crisis zone. That is, how to stimulate solidarity in children while
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) launched recently Food
Force, the first humanitarian video game about global hunger:
while playing the game’s six different missions alongside Food
Force’s crack team of emergency aid workers, children aged 8
to 13 will be faced with a number of realistic challenges to quickly
feed thousands of people in the fictitious island of Sheylan –
piloting helicopters on reconnaissance missions, negotiating with
armed rebels on a convoy run, and using food to help rebuild villages.
The video game format, rather than traditional educational game technology,
has the
attraction of full screen video and 3D imagery. The game web site
is designed with a dedicated area for kids to post their high scores.
“How to Help” section provides ideas on fundraising and
community involvement. For educators, WFP has teamed up with the “Feeding
Minds, Fighting Hunger” web site to provide downloadable teachers
lesson packs in multiple languages.
Many parents complain about the blood and gratuitous violence that
kids are so frequently exposed to in video games: WFP designed Food
Force as a fun and action packed alternative.
The PC based video game, currently available in English, with translation
into other languages
Planned, is available as a free internet download.
Il Programma Alimentare Mondiale
lancia Food Force. Per imparare la solidarietà, giocando

L’isola interiore: l’arte
della sopravvivenza. Cittadellarte e Love Difference alla 51^ Esposizione
Internazionale d’Arte della Biennale di Venezia >>>
Inner island: art of survival. Cittadellarte
and Love Difference at 51st International Art Exhibition of the Venice
Biennale >>> |

I progetti Love Difference alla Fiera della Parola di Ivrea, dal 3 al
5 giugno 2005 >>>
Love Difference introducing its projects
at Ivrea Word Fair, 3-5 June 2005 >>> |

Leaps of faith: un
progetto internazionale di arte per la Zona Verde e la città
di Nicosia: a Cipro, dal 13 al 31 Maggio 2005
Leaps of faith: an international
arts project for the Green Line and the city of Nicosia, Cyprus, 13
– 31 May 2005
>>> |

Borse di studio della Robert
Bosch Foundation per manager della cultura provenienti dall’Europa
dell’Est: scadenza al 12 giugno 2005
Robert Bosch Foundation fellowships
for young cultural managers from Eastern Europe: application deadline
on the 12th of June >>> |

Europrogettazione: modalità
di intervento nel campo della cooperazione culturale internazionale.
A Torino la quarta edizione del corso della Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
Euro-planning: procedures for
international cultural co-operation. The 4th edition of the course at
the Fitzcarraldo Foundation in Turin>>> |

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria
in Cittadellarte, by Francesco >>> |
LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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