LDN Love Difference News #16

Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria
in Cittadellarte, by Francesco
I’d like to think of the story of
the lawyer, Mr. Barla, who was born in a mountain village in Liguria
called Cesio: nowadays, the village counts few inhabitants, but its
smells and recipes remain in the memory. Bruschette, for instance:
a baguette-style bread, cut horizontally and toasted, a spoon of good
olive oil on top, a pinch of salt, two or three hand cut basil leaves…
then, if you like, tomatoes in season .
You see, here’s the simplicity of snacks, lunches and breakfasts:
breakfast of the poor, that is the richest.
Difference ai fornelli: identità culturali a confronto (in
cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria di Cittadellarte - a cura
di Francesco >>>

L’isola interiore: l’arte
della sopravvivenza. Cittadellarte e Love Difference alla 51^ Esposizione
Internazionale d’Arte della Biennale di Venezia >>>
Inner island: art of survival. Cittadellarte
and Love Difference at 51st International Art Exhibition of the Venice
Biennale >>> |

I progetti Love Difference alla Fiera della Parola di Ivrea, dal 3 al
5 giugno 2005 >>>
Love Difference introducing its projects
at Ivrea Word Fair, 3-5 June 2005 >>> |

Leaps of faith: un
progetto internazionale di arte per la Zona Verde e la città
di Nicosia: a Cipro, dal 13 al 31 Maggio 2005
Leaps of faith: an international
arts project for the Green Line and the city of Nicosia, Cyprus, 13
– 31 May 2005
>>> |

Borse di studio della Robert
Bosch Foundation per manager della cultura provenienti dall’Europa
dell’Est: scadenza al 12 giugno 2005
Robert Bosch Foundation fellowships
for young cultural managers from Eastern Europe: application deadline
on the 12th of June >>> |

Europrogettazione: modalità
di intervento nel campo della cooperazione culturale internazionale.
A Torino la quarta edizione del corso della Fondazione Fitzcarraldo
Euro-planning: procedures for
international cultural co-operation. The 4th edition of the course at
the Fitzcarraldo Foundation in Turin>>> |

Il Programma Alimentare Mondiale lancia Food
Force. Per imparare la solidarietà, giocando >>>
The World Food Programme launches
Food Force: learning solidarity with a game >>> |
LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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