LDN Love Difference News #17

UNESCO brings in Paris a group
of experts for the protection of cultural diversities
The third session of the intergovernmental
meeting of experts on the Preliminary Draft Convention on the Protection
of the Diversity of Cultural Contents and Artistic Expressions is
taking place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (from 25 May to 4 June
2005). The session, opened by UNESCO general Director Koichiro Matsuura,
is a follow-up of the international program of protection of cultural
diversities, included in the UN mandatory and in the activity carried
out by UNESCO in the past 60 years to protect and promote the diversity
of cultures. Aim of the session is the drafting of an international
convention for the protection of diversity of cultural contents and
artistic expressions.
According to Mr. Munir Bouchenaki, UNESCO Assistant Director General
for Culture, “Multiplicity of visions, values, beliefs, practices,
creations and forms of expression : such is the wealth of a world
containing more than 6000 communities and as many languages. Cultural
diversity and intercultural dialogue are now high on the list of international
political priorities, even if this question has been at the very heart
of UNESCO’s concerns since the day of its creation. The defense
of peace is henceforth inseparable from the recognition of cultures”.
L’Unesco riunisce a Parigi gli esperti
per la salvaguardia delle diversità culturali>>> |

Gilberto Gil in concerto all’evento di apertura de L'isola
interiore: l’arte della sopravvivenza: con Love Difference
alla 51^ Biennale di Venezia >>>
Gilberto Gil in concert at the openin
event of Inner island: the art of survival: with Love Difference
at the 51st Venice Biennale >>> |

Arte Città Società
- Nuove prospettive e visioni per Venezia: il programma del workshop
di Love Difference alla 51^ Biennale
Art City Society - New perspectives
and visions for Venice: the program of Love Difference’s
workshop at the 51st Venice Biennale
>>> |

Love Difference a
Matera: progetti in mostra e workshop interdisciplinare alla Fondazione
SoutHeritage, dal 4 giugno >>>
Love Difference in Matera:
exhibition and inter-disciplinary workshop at SoutHeritage Foundation,
from the 4th of June >>> |

Offerta di lavoro amministrativo nella sede
londinese della Qattan Foundation >>>
Qattan Foundation offering a position
as Administrative Assistant in London >>> |

Progetto Arte - Journal 9: messaggio,
pubblicità e distribuzione per un modello editoriale responsabile
Progetto Arte - Journal 9:
Message, Advertising and Distribution for a responsible publishing model
>>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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