LDN Love Difference News #21

International Festival of Electronic
Art 404 in Rosario, Argentina: deadline on August 15 for submissions
Astas Romas is organising the
second "International Festival of Electronic Art 404", to
be held at Centro Cultural Parque de Espana and Centro Cultural Bernardino
Rivadavia, in Rosario, Argentina from November 29th to December 2nd,
2005. Astas Romas is making a world-wide call to artists
and theorists to take part in this Festival 404’05 in order
to stimulate and divulge new productions around electronic art. Authors
may participate in the following areas: net-art, still image, animation,
video, electronic music, audiovisual set, theory, performance and
any other proposals made by the authors. The program includes: screening
of videos and animations, conferences, performances and concerts.
Participation in this festival is free, open, and has no age-limit.
The Festival’s deadline to present works is on August 15th 2005.
The date will be taken from the post office cancelling stamp. Instructions
for submission on the festival’s web site.
Festival Internazionale di Arte
Elettronica 404 a Rosario, Argentina: scade il 15 agosto il termine
per la presentazione dei progetti >>>

Apre l’ottava edizione di Arte al Centro: alla Fondazione
Pistoletto dal 14 luglio mostre ed eventi con gli Uffizi di Cittadellarte
e Love Difference >>>
Eighth edition of Art at the Centre:
at Fondazione Pistoletto from July 14 exhibitions and events with Cittadellarte’s
Offices and Love Difference >>> |

L’arte indaga l’identità:
continua a Siena, al Palazzo delle Papesse, la mostra su Nomadismo
e identità >>>
Art investigating identity: at Palazzo
delle Papesse in Siena the exhibition on Nomadism and Identity
>>> |

La Commissione Cinema vieta
la proiezione di film stranieri in Egitto >>>
Film Commission stops foreign
film in Egypt>>> |

Compiti delle vacanze: i suggerimenti di
lettura di LDN >>>
Homeworks: reading suggestions from
>>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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