LDN Love Difference News #4 25-11-2004

Best Practices Award 100,000 Euro for children's rights promoted by MedChild Institute: deadline on the 18th December 2004
The Fondazione Istituto Mediterraneo per l’Infanzia – MedChild Institute was founded in Genoa in December 2003 in order to promote children's rights within the framework of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. One of the goals of the Institute is to facilitate constructive exchange of experiences and knowledge: the underlying principle of the award, in fact, is that enhanced awareness of the practices already operating and those in the launching stage will help all the actors in the Mediterranean to work together and make practical, tangible progress for children in the region. The award is intended to promote child-focused Best Practices in four categories: health, education and culture, Early Child Development, urban settings. The award is open to: non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Private Sector and public/private foundations, Government organizations or agencies, Bilateral or multilateral agencies, Cities, local authorities or their associations, research and academic institutions, media. The total amount of the Award is 100,000 Euro. This amount will be divided in the four categories.
MedChild will also take a special interest in the selected Best Practices, making them known throughout the Mediterranean or even helping their promoters to foster their development, up-scaling and replication. Submission deadline: December, 18 2004.


Premio di 100.000 euro per le Best Practices sull’infanzia promosso dal MedChild Institute: iscrizioni fino al 18 dicembre 2004>>>

News di Love Difference da ascoltare in pillole su RadioFlash 97.6 >>>
Love Difference news on air: LDN shots, live at Radio Flash >>>

A Milano un omaggio a Foucault tra filosofia, arte e psicologia >>>
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Understanding the discipline of understanding: published by Franco Angeli the Multiculturalism Dictionary >>>

Master Euromediterraneo in Business Internazionale all’Università di Catania >>>
Euro-Mediterranean Master in International Business at Catania University)>>>

Lavorare per la pausa caffè: scade il 31 gennaio 2005 il concorso di idee voluto da illycaffè e Domus. >>>
Working for the coffee-break: submission deadline on the 31st of January 2005 for the international competition of illycaffè and Domus. >>>

Notti europee dei video emergenti: tempo fino al 30 novembre per inviare video ai Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes.>>>
European Nights of Emergent Video Fiction presented by the Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes. Deadline : 30th of November 2004. >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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