LDN Love Difference News #4   25-11-2004

Understanding the discipline of understanding: published by Franco Angeli the Multiculturalism Dictionary
The Milanese publisher Franco Angeli has recently published L'intercultura dalla A alla Z , by Graziella Favaro and Lorenzo Luatti.
The book, in Italian, comes to the point of the Multiculturalism and its practice in education, defining the key-words of the discipline, from a to z. it starts from the history of the idea of multiculturalism in Italy and Europe; the second part is devoted to the dictionary, passing through key-themes as linguistic mediation, learning a second language, cultural inter-change.
The third part of the book presents the experience of a project within the European project “Socrates”.


Comprendere la disciplina che ci fa comprendere: pubblicato da Franco Angeli il dizionario dell’intercultura>>>

News di Love Difference da ascoltare in pillole su RadioFlash 97.6 >>>
Love Difference news on air: LDN shots, live at Radio Flash >>>

Premio di 100.000 euro per le Best Practices sull’infanzia promosso dal MedChild Institute: iscrizioni fino al 18 dicembre 2004 >>>
Best Practices Award 100,000 Euro for children's rights promoted by MedChild Institute: deadline on the 18th December 2004 >>>

A Milano un omaggio a Foucault tra filosofia, arte e psicologia >>>
A tribute to Michel Foucault in Milan: philosophy, art, and psychology >>>

Master Euromediterraneo in Business Internazionale all’Università di Catania >>>
Euro-Mediterranean Master in International Business at Catania University)>>>

Lavorare per la pausa caffè: scade il 31 gennaio 2005 il concorso di idee voluto da illycaffè e Domus. >>>
Working for the coffee-break: submission deadline on the 31st of January 2005 for the international competition of illycaffè and Domus. >>>

Notti europee dei video emergenti: tempo fino al 30 novembre per inviare video ai Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes.>>>
European Nights of Emergent Video Fiction presented by the Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes. Deadline : 30th of November 2004. >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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