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Methods - research projects
on art - society relations
5th edition 2010 | workshop
Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, May 20th-24th
Workshop curated and conducted by Love Difference and artway of thinking,
promoted by Love Difference and Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, with
the support of LLP Grundtvig workshop programme.
the workshop on methodsprocessesofchange.wordpress.com
Transformation. The chemistry of change, Methods on exhibition in Montevarchi (Arezzo - Italy) from April 1st to 30th 2011, curated by artway of thinking and Love Difference. further information
The research project “Methods”investigates
the methodologies applied in creative processes
for the social responsible transformation. A research that for several
years has involved personalities of the artistic world who are parting
from specific social problematic issues and through a network of communities,
organizations, public and private institutions have come to realize new
modalities of exchange, dialogue and co-creation.
At its fifth edition, the project is opening to a new and wider
phase: the extension of research about methods of disciplines that go
beyond the artistic context.
The objective
of the workshop is to compare and share methods from different disciplines
that facilitate processes of transformation both collective and individually,
with particular attention to the methodologies with participatory, interdisciplinary
and experimental characteristics, and those that set “the human
at the centre” produce a growth in the individual.
The workshop will examinate the methodologies presented by each participant
with the aim to:
• reflect on the transferable
possibility of methods or of some parts of them (tools, procedures, etc.)
to other contexts
• develop new methods of co-creation,
that might have an innovative, participatory, sustainable interdisciplinary
• establish a base of knowledge
accessible and that can be spread to all the figures of creative and social
Whom it is aimed for
The workshop is open to 30 participants – freelancers or representatives
of groups – who apply in their work methods – phases, tools,
principles and practices – which favour processes of change, in
particular with partecipatory, interdisciplinary and experimental characters,
in any of the following disciplines and areas:
anthropology, communication, economics, education, holistic medicine,
music and performative arts, politics and civil services, industrial processes,
psychology, scientific research, cognitive sciences, social, spirituality,
urban planning and architecture.
Where and when
The workshop will take place in Biella, at Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto
from the 20th to the 24th May 2010.
The workshop and the papers will be in English.
the open call (deadline expired
on April 9th 2010)
Further information
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‘This project has been funded
with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.