LDN Love Difference News #14

Love Difference at the International Forum
on Turkey-Europe Cultural Relations. Istanbul, May 6-8
Love Difference will take part in the "International
Forum on Turkey-Europe Cultural Relations", which will occur
from the 6th to the 8th of May 2005. The Forum is organised by Avrupa
Kültür Dernegi (European Cultural Association), in collaboration
with the History Foundation of Turkey, Austrian Cultural Forum, British
Council, French Cultural Institute, Goethe Institute and the General
Consulate of the Netherlands. The objective of the event is to create
an awareness of the important role of culture in Turkey-EU relations
in order to influence the decision-makers to take concrete measures
on increasing cooperation and exchange projects. The international
forum consists of a conference, panel discussions, artistic events
and receptions, which also aims to facilitate networking and activate
the stakeholders of the cultural sector in order to achieve a more
efficient dialogue between the peoples. The artistic programme also
aims to exhibit some examples of how inter-cultural approach is reflected
onto the artistic production. Filippo Fabbrica from Cittadellarte
will introduce the Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic,
the projects and network of Love Difference.
Love Difference al Forum Internazionale
sulle relazioni culturali tra Europa e Turchia. A Istanbul, dal 6
all'8 maggio >>>

Sesto incontro delle scuole d'arte del Mediterraneo: ad Algeri, dal
7 al 15 maggio >>>
Sixth meeting of the Art Schools of
the Mediterranean Area: Alger, 7-15 May 2005 >>> |

Scuola Estiva di
Sociologia delle Migrazioni all’Universita’ di Genova
Sociology of Migrations: a summer
school at Genoa University
>>> |

ArtExperience: aperte le
iscrizioni ai workshop estivi di Domus Academy. A giugno a Venezia con
Olafur Eliasson e Carsten Nicolai
ArtExperience, two summer workshops
at Domus Academy: Olafur Eliasson and Carsten Nicolai in June in Venice
>>> |

Summit Africa-Asia: dopo
50 anni, si lavora ancora per una nuova cooperazione >>>
African-Asian Summit: after
50 years, still working for a new cooperation>>> |

Cittadellarte e luca sossella editore presentano
il volume "Sul Simbolo" a cura di Massimo Melotti. Giovedì
5 Maggio, al Caffé letterario Vergnano del Salone del
Libro di Torino. >>>
Cittadellarte and luca sossella editore
present the book "Sul Simbolo", curated by Massimo Melotti.
Thursday 5th May, at Caffè letterario Vergnano, Salone
del Libro - Turin >>> |

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte,
by Francesco >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network
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