LDN Love Difference News #6 23-12-2004

Sociópolis. Project for a city of the future, exhibited in Wien up to January 31
SocióPolis is a project on a new district in Valencia, Spain, promoted by the local city council. Initiated by the Spanish architect Vicente Guallart, and presented at the Valencia Biennial, the project seeks 12 prominent international architects and teams of architects invited by Guallart to find responses to the most pressing issues in current urban development: seeking sustainable solutions to the disappearance of social spatial segregation, providing the integration of various uses and reconciling urban development with nature, involving the integration of new information technology in the domestic environment, promoting social interaction, the creation of infrastructure and the integration of social services etc. The exhibition at the Architekturzentrum in Wien provides a general survey of the planning sector and introduces the architects' designs to the public.


Sociópolis: il progetto della città del futuro in mostra a Vienna fino al 31 gennaio

Love Difference con Emergency nel Darfur per un centro chirurgico >>>
Love Difference supports Emergency’s project in Darfur. >>>

European Cultural Foundation: scade il 31 Gennaio il termine per richiedere i contributi per l’anno 2005. >>>
European Cultural Foundation’s 2005 Grants Scheme: deadline on the 31st of January for projects to be started in March >>>

University of the Middle East Project per insegnanti di scuole secondarie: scadenza delle domande al 5 Gennaio 2005>>>
The University of the Middle East Project for secondary school teachers: application deadline on the 5th of January >>>

European Diploma in Cultural Project Management alla Fondazione Marcel Hicter: scadenza delle domande 15 gennaio 2005 >>>
European Diploma in Cultural Project Management at the Marcel Hicter Foundation: deadline on the 15th of January >>>

Nasce a Milano l’Associazione Mediterranea di Cooperazione in Medicina per portare assistenza ospedaliera a domicilio. >>>
Founded in Milan the Mediterranean Association for Medicine Cooperation, to deliver hospital treatment at home. >>>

Egitto: uomini vittime in casa. Il 40 per cento dei mariti sono picchiati dalle mogli. >>>
Men victims at home: in Egypt 40 per cent of husbands are beaten by wives. >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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