LDN Love Difference News #6   23-12-2004

Love Difference supports Emergency’s project in Darfur.
Love Difference closed up 2004 by supporting with 500 euros donation the Italian NGO Emergency with its project of setting a War Surgical Centre in Nord Darfur (Sudan), the African region which is at war since 2003; people are escaping from the region, or, if staying, they live in unbearable conditions. Emergency decided to settle its project in Al Fashir, the capital of Nord Darfur, whose University Clinic hosts the main surgical centre in the whole State, receiving the majority of emergencies.

The hospital serves a population of 250.000, including thousands of refugees living in camps outside the city. Since the number of wounded victims of the war is rising up, the need for qualified specialist surgical services is also increasing. At the moment we have a huge hospital, a small staff, no services. Emergency signed on the 25th of October an agreement with the local and the Federal Ministry of Health, to manage all surgical traumatological activities related to war victims inside the University Clinic of Al Fashir, creating a real Surgical Centre, with all the auxiliary services. The Ministry of Health will keep in supervising the medical activity. Emergency will also manage the training of the local staff working in the Centre.

Raul Pantaleo, architect, skipper on the boat about to take the Love Difference Tour of the Mediterranean, is now working with Emergency in Sudan.



Love Difference con Emergency nel Darfur per un centro chirurgico

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LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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