LDN Love Difference News #10   24-02-2005

Looks Elsewhere: women’s cinema festival in Milan keeps an eye on the Mediterranean area
Milan's 'Sguardi Altrove' (Looks Elsewhere) women's cinema festival opened on the 22nd of February, and will close on the 6th of March. The festival, in its 12th year, turns its gaze to the southern shore of the Mediterranean, focusing on social issues, and it features the screening of around 100 movies. Its beating heart is the international section, in which eight movies by women who are from, or have emigrated from, North Africa and the Near East compete for the main prize. Among those taking part is Egyptian director Hala Khalil with the 'The Best Time', the story of a woman who struggles to overcome loneliness after the unexpected death of her mother. The social drama was made by an all-women crew in Cairo and was a box-office hit in Egypt. Moroccan filmmaker Dalila Ennadrés 'Fama, Une Heroine Sans Gloire', tells the tale of a teenager who fights for freedom and democracy in her homeland. Another contender is Francés Yamina Benguiggui, who presents 'Le Plafond De Verre', a documentary about the racial prejudice immigrant children face in Europe today. There is also a showcase devoted to stories from the borders between Israel and Palestine, and Israel and Lebanon. Editor Inge Feltrinelli will seat in the Jury.


Sguardi altrove: a Milano il cinema femminile guarda ai paesi del Mediterraneo >>>

Varata a Venezia sabato 19 febbraio la barca MINItransat: regate di pace per Emergency. In estate, Love Difference Tour >>>
MINItransat boat for Emergency launched in Venice on 19th February. Love Diffrence Tour sailing in summer >>>

Il gusto dei soldi: aperte le iscrizioni al concorso di arte contemporanea Masai Art Factory >>>
The taste of money: Masai Art Factory’s first competition for contemporary art >>>

Prix Ars Electronica: a Linz (Austria) la 19^ edizione del premio internazionale per media arts >>>
Prix Ars Electronica: the 2005 edition of the international media arts prize in Linz (Austria) >>>

I sassi dell’intifada (e non solo) per costruire case >>>
Building houses with Intifada’s stones >>>

Il Marocco verso la salvaguardia e la promozione della cultura berbera Amazigh >>>
Morocco working for the protection and promotion of Amazigh culture >>>

Donne e diritto di eredità: lunga strada da percorrere in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa >>>
Inheritance rights for women: a long way for Middle East and North Africa Countries >>>

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte, by Francesco >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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