The city is one of us
May 25th - 31st 2008, Bari (Italy)
Second phase of the workshop “Art for Social Transformation”, within the XIII Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean
Interdisciplinary and participated workshop curated by Emanuela Baldi, Abdalla
Daif, Sameh El Hlawany and Filippo Fabbrica, with the special participation
of Porzia Petrone.
With the participation of: Florence Aigner, Saïd Aït El Moumen,
Alkis Daikos, Isabel Andreu Roglà, Yossi Atia, Hasan Salih Ay, Mirjana
Batinic, Sonia Leimer, Lina Rica, Antonio Martino, Anna Mawby, Fanny Mesnard,
Anja Puntari, Tamara Romeo, Itamar Rose, Micheal Strasser, Samuel George
Taylor, Secil Yaylali, Amina Zoubir.
The XIII Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (Associacion
Internationale pour la Biennale des Jeunes Créateures de l’Europe
et de la Méditerranée – BJCEM) invited Love Difference
to curate the second phase of the workshop “Art For Social Transformation”
which took place in Bari, Italy.
During the Bjcem, the participants who had planned and formulated the proposal
for their project “The city is one of us” during the first
part of the workshop in Biella, carried out different activities to
involve the participants of the Biennale and specially the inhabitants of
Bari in their work.
“Memory” was considered by the participants
as the knowledge of a space. The first step towards a dialogue was to discover
the space where the inhabitants of Bari live. Therefore the workshop experienced
the memory of the city of Bari through the eye of an old woman, a fisherman,
a child…
By presenting, discussing and working together with the inhabitants of the
city the participants dealt with themes like the social role of an artist
or intercultural dialogue.
"It was not easy to enter again in the idea of "The
city is one of us" after one year, but I think the context of the old
city centre of Bari helped.
The welcoming Southern people let artists enter their houses spontaneously,
and in only few days an exchange was produced, when after the artists had
been guested by citizens, those same citizens entered the Biennal area bringing
with them their tradition, memory, vitality and anger also, translated by
action. In fact here, where the language of communication was not so much
useful, it was hands and eyes to communicate the need to exchange knowledge
and stories. It was a dialogue between the hand making of pasta and the
filming of a portion of life"
Emanuela Baldi
Watch the video made by the participants during the workshop:
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Gallery (click on the thumbnails to enlarge)
Download the evaluation of the
workshop (PDF)