Love Difference live: Michelangelo
Pistoletto and Love Difference live from Rome on RAM, radioartemobile
Friday, March 11th, the exhibition “Lo
specchio parlante” by Michelangelo Pistoletto is opening at
the gallery Oredaria Arti Contemporanee in Rome. On that occasion,
RAM radioartemobile will broadcast a live show from the gallery (on
line on the website from 7 p.m.), titled Love Difference live, presenting
Cecilia Casorati. The show will introduce the Artistic Movement for
an Inter-Mediterranean Politic, established in 2002 in the politics
Office of Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto. Michelangelo
Pistoletto, Achille Bonito Oliva, Teresa Macrì, Alfredo Pirri
and Paolo Naldini will take part to the debate live from Rome, discussing
the main issues of Love Different as a project: the relationship between
art and politics, the Mediterranean as a peculiar space for tensions
and encounters, exchanges and mixtures among different cultures, the
meaning and the topical interest of the word “love”. In
relay by phone will take part to the show also Filippo Fabbrica (from
Tunis), Paolo Falcone (from Palermo), Idit Porat (from TelAviv), Asia
Mandic (from Sarajevo), and Sara Rifky (from El Cairo).
The show, after the live broadcasting, will be available on line on
the website archives of radioartemobile.
Difference al Forum delle Arti del Mediterraneo di Tunisi, dal 7 al
13 marzo >>>