LDN Love Difference News #11

Hou Hanru at Utopian
Display: on March 23 at NABA in Milan the second lecture on contemporary
curatorial activities
Utopian Display is a lecture series,
in its second edition, held at NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
di Milano. It started on the 16th of February, and will last in May
The lectures, organised by Marco Scotini and Maurizio Bortolotti,
seek to investigate contemporary exhibition models, focusing attention
on the potential relationships between artistic and social spheres.
The title, The Utopian Display, seeks to be a focal point
around which to extend discourse on contemporary artistic practice
and, at the same time, question the numerous possible interpretations
that the invited curators intend to give to their work. In this way,
the definition of «utopian display» is intended as something
that expresses the political ideas or the imagination and the liberation
of the individual in an artistic sphere, or it can be interpreted
as «ideal» exhibition that each curator has as a model,
or something else altogether.
The primary objective of this conference series is to attempt to trace
a map of contemporary curatorial activity, with an enquiry into the
current artistic landscape.
The conference series is also an educational support for the Department
of Visual Arts at NABA.
Further lectures: Jens Hoffmann (13 April), Roger M. Buergel (4 May),
Vasif Kortun (11 May).
Hanru a Utopian Display: il 23 marzo alla NABA di Milano il secondo
incontro per discutere sull'attività espositiva contemporanea

Love Difference al Forum delle Arti del Mediterraneo
di Tunisi, dal 7 al 13 marzo
Difference at the Forum for the Arts in the Mediterranean. Tunis, from
7 to 13 March 2005 >>> |

Love Difference live: Michelangelo Pistoletto e Love Difference in diretta
da Roma a RAM, radioartemobile >>>
Love Difference live: Michelangelo
Pistoletto and Love Difference live from Rome on RAM, radioartemobile
>>> |

International media
award for science and art a Karlsruhe: scadenza per la presentazione
dei progetti il 31 marzo 2005 >>>
The International media award for
science and art in Karlsruhe: deadline for submitting entries on the
31st March 2005 >>> |

Mediterranean Programme:
a Montecatini dal 16 al 20 Marzo 2005 il Sesto Incontro Mediterraneo
di Ricerca Sociale e Politica >>>
Mediterranean Programme: in Montecatini,
16-20 March 2005, the Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research
Meeting>>> |

L’altro Mediterraneo: in libreria un’antologia
di scrittori arabi del Novecento, a cura di Valentina Colombo
L’altro Mediterraneo: curated
by Valentina Colombo a new anthology of Arabic writers >>> |

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte,
by Francesco >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic
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