LDN Love Difference News #11

Mediterranean Programme:
in Montecatini, 16-20 March 2005, the Sixth Mediterranean Social and
Political Research Meeting
The Mediterranean Programme of
the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University
Institute in Florence (Italy) is organising the Sixth Mediterranean
Social and Political Research (MSPR) Meeting which will take place
from 16 - 20 March 2005 in Florence and in Montecatini and will bring
together about 250 scholars from the Middle East & North Africa
(MENA), Europe, and elsewhere.
Since its creation in 1976, the EUI has developed a tradition of intellectual
debate within a multicultural and international environment, and provides
the perfect setting for the Annual Mediterranean Meeting. These meetings
are a unique occasion for young academics to submit their research
to experts, and to develop research networks which promote cooperation
in research and policy in the field.
The Annual Mediterranean Meeting is organised around a core of up
to 15 Workshops, each run by 2 Directors and with 10–12 participants.
Workshop participants present and discuss papers containing original
research, prepare joint publications and strategies for continued
Workshop topics in 2005 Meeting vary from corruption and government
in Mediterranean Countries, to migrations, to women’s activism..
Mediterranean Programme:
a Montecatini dal 16 al 20 Marzo 2005 il Sesto Incontro Mediterraneo
di Ricerca Sociale e Politica>>>

Love Difference al Forum delle Arti del Mediterraneo
di Tunisi, dal 7 al 13 marzo
Difference at the Forum for the Arts in the Mediterranean. Tunis, from
7 to 13 March 2005 >>> |

Love Difference live: Michelangelo Pistoletto e Love Difference in diretta
da Roma a RAM, radioartemobile >>>
Love Difference live: Michelangelo
Pistoletto and Love Difference live from Rome on RAM, radioartemobile
>>> |

International media
award for science and art a Karlsruhe: scadenza per la presentazione
dei progetti il 31 marzo 2005 >>>
The International media award for
science and art in Karlsruhe: deadline for submitting entries on the
31st March 2005 >>> |

Hou Hanru a Utopian Display:
il 23 marzo alla NABA di Milano il secondo incontro per discutere sull'attività
espositiva contemporanea
Hou Hanru at Utopian Display:
on March 23 at NABA in Milan the second lecture on contemporary curatorial
activities >>> |

L’altro Mediterraneo: in libreria un’antologia
di scrittori arabi del Novecento, a cura di Valentina Colombo
L’altro Mediterraneo: curated
by Valentina Colombo a new anthology of Arabic writers >>> |

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità
culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria
di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco
Love Difference cooking: comparing
cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte,
by Francesco >>> |

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean
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