LDN Love Difference News #8 27-01-2005

Job opportunity: Love Difference selection for a project curator
Love Difference, Mediterranean Cultural Network, is looking for a curator, who will develop the artistic projects, that are promoted by the movement. Aspirants must be fluent in English, and experienced in project managing in relational art and/or cultural environments. Selected aspirant will be offered a short formative stage, and consequently a collaboration contract. Love Difference is an equal opportunity employer. Send c.v. to info@lovedifference.org. If visiting Arte Fiera in Bologna (January 27-31), aspirants can fix an interview calling +39 015 0991456.

Selezione di personale: Love Difference cerca un curatore di progetti >>>

Corrispondenti cercasi. Collabora con LDN: vinci pubblicazioni (le nostre) e viaggi (da noi) >>>
Correspondents wanted. Contribute to LDN and get free books and trip vouchers to Love Difference headquarters >>>

“Arte x Vino = Acqua” ad Arte Fiera a Bologna: sabato 29 all’Art Café con Mario Cristiani >>>
“Art x Wine = Water” at Arte Fiera, Bologna: Mario Cristiani presents the project at Art Cafè on sat. 29th January >>>

Bologna, ancora: Premio Furla, Biennale di Istanbul, IdeARTe>>>
Bologna, again: the Furla Prize, Istanbul Biennial, IdeARTe >>>

Tanto da fare in Sicilia: ritratto di un sindaco >>>
Much to do in Sicily: a portrait of a mayor >>>

Utopia Station a Porto Alegre: la campagna di poster del progetto Utopia Station al World Social Forum, fino al 31 gennaio >>>
Utopia Station in Porto Alegre: the poster project at the World Social Forum, 26-31 January 2005 >>>

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco>>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte, by Francesco >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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