LDN Love Difference News #8   27-01-2005

Much to do in Sicily: a portrait of a mayor
The figure of Rosario Crocetta has come up frequently in the past ten days, on Italian TV and newspapers. This was thanks to the TV program “Report”, broadcast on Rai Tre on the 15th of January. Rosario Crocetta, mayor of the Sicilian city of Gela, hometown of well known Mafia families, is certainly a unusual political figure in Sicily: communist, openly gay, a strong opponent to the Mafia system, he is protected by a police escort. The “families” did not appreciate his denunciation of the corruption of public contracts allocations in the region, and of the mixture of Mafia and politics in Sicily. The French daily “Le Figarò” defined Crocetta “Courage Mayor”. Courageous are also the citizens of Gela, who voted and still support him. Maria Grazia Mazzoli’s correspondence for “Report”, an exhaustive reportage on the present situation in Sicily, obtained strong reactions. Read it on the program’s web site, and have your own opinion on it.


Tanto da fare in Sicilia: ritratto di un sindaco>>>

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LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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